Team Neervana:
Brahamtej Kaur Grewal (M.Sc. Biotechnology, 1st year)
Jahnavi Varma (M.Sc. Biotechnology, 1st year)
Souryadeep Basak (Research Scholar, Department of Sustainable Engineering)
The TERI SAS team bagged the 2nd National runners-up award at the Indian Oil Sustain-a-thon, a national level sustainability hackathon that had upward of 30,000 entries. The TERI SAS team presented the novel Azonian Process of carbon capture, developed indigenously and tested in all climate zones of India, as a practical net-zero pathway for Indian Oil. This solution has been tailor-made for the Global South to realistically prevent planetary warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030, the only such claim to exist currently. The Azonian Process (arguably the world's best carbon capture pathway) has also been filed for intellectual property protection in India and 156 countries under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
Sunaina Saxena, M.Sc. Economics - 2022-24, Department of Policy and Management Studies, TERI SAS, has won the BEST PAPER AWARD; 2-day national conference on Sustainable Development: Addressing Climate Change, Global Warming, and Carbon Footprints conducted by Government College of Arts, Science, and Commerce, Quepem, Goa.
VEDIKA SINGH, PhD Scholar of Department of Policy and Management Studies, TERI SAS, has won the “BEST PAPER AWARD†in the 13th International Conference on Industry 4.0: Key Drivers of Sustainable Global Business Practices, held on 8th - 10th January, 2022, in hybrid mode.
The conference was co-hosted by the Association of International Business & Professional Management, Indonesia and Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior. She was awarded for her paper and presentation on “Factors Influencing Travel Behavior During and Post COVID 19: A Systematic Literature Review on Recent Trends of Tourist Behavior and Perceptions for Future Sustainable Tourism Businessâ€.
Ms Arpita Elisheba Victor, who secured ‘FIRST POSITION’ in Policy-Athon in “India Land and Development Conference 2021” on the Policy Brief titles “Evaluating the Tamil Nadu Draft Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy 2021”, organized by Centre for Land Governance, NRMC.
PhD student Ms. Divya ( Supervised by Dr Gopal Sarangi and Dr Sukanya) has received a special prize ( under Advanced Research Paper Track) in the Doctoral Conference conducted by IRMA, Gujarat in November 2021
Ms Simran Kaur, PhD scholar at TERI SAS won the third prize in poster completion at ‘International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology Towards Improving Agri-Food Industry and Healthcare Products (ISPB-2021)’ organised by Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand October 27-30, 2021 Her poster titled "Natural variation in homeologs of SOC1 promoter and upstream SVP transcription factors constitutes a complex interactome to regulate flowering in polyploid B. juncea". Ms Simran’s PhD work is supervised by Prof. Anandita Singh, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences.
Covid-19 Task Force (CTF), Eco CLub, TERI SAS is felicitated by Ministry of Education, Government of India
Click Here for more information
A team of 8 students from MTech Urban Development Management (UDM) programme participated in Prajatantra: Celebrating Democracy-2021, organised online by and co-funded by Friedrich Naumann Foundation from 25th-28th August 2021.
This year’s theme was ‘Model City Government’ and teams from 67 colleges pan India participated in the event.
Our students won the following prizes:
• Ms. Mehak Saxena secured First Position in Policy Presentation on Municipal Finance
• Ms. Akshaya Paul and Mr. Piyush Saxena secured Second Position in a Quiz Competition related to Urban Governance
Apart from above, TERI School of Advanced Studies secured Third rank overall in Best College award.
Click Here for more information
TERI School of Advanced Studies student Ms Sarada Kapilavai M.Sc. (Climate Science and Policy) 2020-2022 is among the winners of UNLEASH-ORF Hackathon 2021. UNLEASH-ORF Hackathon aims at addressing the climate change issues in India and make our future brighter and healthier. The Hackathon was organised by Observers Research Foundation (ORF).
Mr Keshav M.Tech. (Renewable Energy Engineering and Management) 2020-2022 and Mr Rajesh MBA (Business Sustainability) 2019-2021 have been awarded 'Corona Warrior Ratan Award' for exemplary work in helping people during Covid-19 pandemic felicitated by Durga Sports Academy, Bhiwani.
'The Efficiency for Access Design Challenge' is a global platform that allows the students of developing nations to showcase their innovative solution-oriented ideas.
The team of Souryadeep Basak and Lavkesh Balchandani M.Tech. (Renewable Energy Engineering and Management - 2019-2021) designed a hydroponic fodder unit that grows green fodder completely through water and no pesticides at all which would increase the productivity of their livestock which would eventually add to their income.
This year, 15 universities from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nepal, Uganda, Sweden, and the UK had participated in the ‘The Efficiency for Access Design Challenge’.
TERI School of Advanced Studies (TERI SAS) student, Ms Reetica Passi, MBA (Business Sustainability) (batch 2019-21) joins WICCI Delhi Sustainable Businesses Council as member. Ms Reetica is currently working on creating a comprehensive impact measurement framework for Tata Consultancy Services.
Sukriti Mahajan, student of Batch 2020-22 from M.Tech. in REEM has been awarded with the Global Sustainable Electricity Programme Education for Sustainable Energy Development Scholarship (GSEP Scholarship) in 2020.
Ms. Anuja Narendra Chavan of M Tech (UDM) 2019- 2021 for wining International essay competition 2021 Organized by Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), New Delhi.
Siddhant Kumar pursuing an MBA (Business Sustainability) at TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, won the best blog award at WSDS 2020 where he opined that ‘Sustainable Lifestyles’ is more than just an academic term and can be transformed into a way of life. Siddhant’s Blog certainly shows us the way on how nature and humanity can coexist.
Varsha Bhaskar, M.Sc. Environmental Studies and Resource Management, passout in 2018 could present her Major research at Ecological Society of America. She has shared some images with the University
Her research was also showcased in TV Channel Animal Planet
The mesmerizing picture of Swallow birds huddling together truly represents the poetic diction often manifested by nature and Akshat Shrivastava, who is pursuing M.Sc. (Environmental Studies and Resource Management) at TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi truly deserves credit for this click. The picture not only calms one’s nerves, but it also won 2nd position in photography contest at the Youth Climate Conclave, WSDS 2020. It also featured on the ‘Youth Climate Conclave Calendar’ for the year 2020.
Ms. Anushkriti Singh and Ms. Anamika Yadav pursuing M.Tech. Urban Development and Management at TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, wrote “Financing and Legal Aspects of Sustainable Urban Transport in India” published in Urban Update, January 2020.
The article explains the role of administrative and inter-department cohesion and the issues related to transport planning and its implementation in increasing urban transport problems. The article suggests ensuring the stability of financial flows and strengthening of institutions by building their technical capacity as key steps towards achieving sustainable urban transport.
An article by three students pursuing M.Tech. (Urban Development and Management) at TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi got published in the magazine 'Urban Update, 2019'. In the article titled, 'Public Transport and Planning for Small, Medium and Large Cities', the TERI SAS students - Apurva Sethia, Simran Purswami and Sukanksha Agarwal highlighted the state of transport in India with special emphasis on public transport. The article also talked about the challenges and bottlenecks that mar the public transport in India along with possible solutions. The article is based on the learning gathered by the students at the conference on ‘Integrated Sustainable Transport for Smart and Resilient Cities’ held in October 2019.
The link to access the article printed on page no. 44 and 45-
Our student, Mohd Subhan Khan represented TERI SAS and SDSN Youth at the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2019 at United Nations, New York. During the programme, Sam Siamak Loni - Global Coordinator of SDSN Youth released 'Year at a Glance' - the review report of the SDSN Youth activities at TERI SAS. Congratulations to all the co-authors and contributors to the report and the program mentors!
Ms. Swati Singh, PhD Scholar, Department of Natural Resources, TERI SAS had attended the Young Researcher’s School 2018 held in Japan.
Ms. Swati had also received scholarship from India UK Water Center (IUKWC) to attend third Grassroots Field Exposure Session (GFES) on water, energy and food nexus in Bhopal held in February, 2019.
Ms. Swati had also presented a paper at International Symposium on ‘Disaster Resilience and Green Growth for Sustainable Development' held on 26th and 27th September, 2019 in New Delhi.
Proud to announce Teri sas team led by Amitav Mandal and samarth Arora stood runner up for 2nd Sustainability Quiz organised by UN global compact. Congratulations to the winners!
In 2018, four students from the TERI School of Advanced Studies, pursuing the MA Sustainable Development Practice, chose to undertake their in-the field practice in Ethiopia under the IFAD-Universities Win-Win Partnership. For more information please click here
Harsh Jaiswal, student of MA-SDP 3rd semester secured third position in the Sitaram Rao Livelihoods Asia Case Study Competition 2016. The title of his case study was 'Sustainable Agriculture - A New Partnership Paradigm in Dantewada'.
Eco nirmitee - A student led startup initiative from TERI School of Advanced Studies recently won the Best project award at "Eco Homes Building Design Competition" organized by International Youth Society for Energy and Renewable Technology (IYSERT) in association with Great Lakes Institute of Management for their project "Sustainable transformation of construction waste into rapid affordable housing and infrastructure for deprived sections of society".
The competition had 8 Finalist from South Asia presenting design and technology solutions for construction of eco homes. The winning team of TERI School of Advanced Studies students has been awarded a consulting contract with IYSERT for Design and Development of eco homes. As a part of the recognition, the team will also have an opportunity to work with London School of Economics- Energy Society on the theme of 'design of sustainable cities'.
The TU students' project aims to address the concerns of construction industry by integrating sustainability principles into design and material. An industrial symbiosis approach is adopted in the project conceptualization focusing on sharing and transformation of construction waste into resource. The virgin material required for housing in vicinity of construction sites can be replaced by recycled and processed waste thereby reducing the GHG emissions also.
An interdisciplinary project team comprises of students from M Tech Urban Development & Management, MBA Business Sustainability and MBA Infrastructure under the mentorship of Dr Shaleen Singhal, Dr Suresh Jain and Dr Kaushik Bandyopadhay of TERI School of Advanced Studies.
The start-up initiative team comprises of Rohit Sadaphal (Execution and Product Innovation), Sahil Verma (Marketing), Diksha Sharma (Sustainability), Sanju Vargheese (Finance & Accounts), Upasana Bisht (Supply Chain and Operations) and Nandan Kumar (Business Development & Strategy).
INSEE-NISTADS award for the best articles published in the popular media at Eighth Biennial Conference, IISc Bengaluru, January 2016; from left: Brototi Roy, Juan Martinez-Alier, Rajeswari Raina and Balachandra Patil
'Energy forum', a flagship event at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology's fest 'Oil Spring' organized by its Department of Management Studies was held on the 1st of February, 2014 at the Institute's New Delhi Campus.
Two students from M.B.A. Business Sustainability, 2nd semester were shortlisted for the final round of idea presentation and open discussion on the theme 'Sustainability through Conservation'. One of the students, Ananya Khosla, secured the first place in the event, having competed with students from IIM Lucknow and IIT Kharagpur, among others. Her paper was based on achieving conservation of energy by facilitation of renewable energy and phasing out of dependency on fossil fuels by governments and corporates alike.
The students gained much from the expertise provided by the judges who rigorously questioned the participants and provided practical insight to their proposed ideas.
The Business & Community Foundation held its 3rd annual debate in partnership with Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, supported by GIZ at the India International Center Annexe in New Delhi on the 24th of January, 2014.
This debate was aimed at discussing the importance of National Voluntary Guidelines and their role in promoting responsibility and accountability among Indian businesses. Nine students from 2nd Semester MBA (Business Sustainability) and MBA (Infrastructure) attended this debate as speakers and audience, eager to interact on this issue with students from the likes of IIFT and JMC, among others. The teams lead by Amrita Bhakta Vohra, spoke for the motion and secured the first position in their category.
TERI U students also discussed the issue with eminent jurists, Shefali Chaturvedi of CII , author Pushpa Sundar, Raj Kachroo of the Aman trust and leadership guru Ravi Chaudhary, gaining much from the interaction and from the opportunity to discourse with students from different institutes on this pertinent matter.
A team from Department of Natural Resources, TERI School of Advanced Studies (Ms Deepika Mann, Ms Bakul Budhiraja, and Ms Florencia M Tuladhar) receiving the award for GIS Quiz competition in the 14th ESRI India User Conference, 11-12 December, 2013 at New Delhi.
Mr Abdulhakim Ahmed, a student of M.Sc. (Geoinformatics, 2013-14 batch), Department of Natural Resources received Best Oral Presentation Award in the 14th ESRI India User Conference, 11-12 December, 2013 at New Delhi. He presented a work on "GIS and remote sensing integrated for malaria risk mapping, the case of Kersa district, Ethiopia".
Rohit Sadaphal, a student of the M Tech Urban Development and Management programme has won award for his notable submission at the competition aimed to recognise the most innovative minds across India. Rohit's innovation was titled as 'Sustainable transformation of Construction Waste into housing products for underprivileged people'. The competition received 51000 registrations of which 4400 entries from over 300 colleges in across India got validated and shortlisted for final submissions. Out of the top 10 entries, Rohit's submission was selected for the Jury's Choice Award by eminent jury members.
Rohit Sadaphal's innovation prototype titled as 'Made in India - Ecocrete', demonstrates sustainable solutions by transforming construction waste into structural elements for cost effective housing for under privileged community in urban and rural areas. Commending Rohit's achievement, Dr. Shaleen Singhal mentioned that his submission marks a contribution to sustainability concerns in construction industry and the recognition of his innovation shall advance the debate on sustainability issues within the wider built environment and urban development sector.
The paper titled 'Possible interventions and challenges related to control of water table depletion in Vasant Kunj and Masoodpur, New Delhi' from TERI School of Advanced Studies has been selected as one of the top entries of Earthian 2013.
The winning entry is from Vinay K. Singh, Sumit Vij, Ninika Dhawan and Rumbidzai Faith Masawi, M.A. (SDP) students (Department of Policy Studies).
The contest received 700 submissions from colleges and 500 submissions from schools. The Earthian awards function is scheduled for February 2013.
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Ms Monica Saini, a student of PhD (Natural Resource Management) received Best Poster Presentation Award in the National Symposium on 'Space Technology for Food & Environmental Security' & Annual Convention of Indian Society of Remote Sensing & Indian Society of Geomatics held at New Delhi during 5-7 December 2012 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. She presented part of her Ph.D. work on "A quantitative analysis bio-physical and livelihood profiles of Kanva watershed - a case study of watershed management in southern Karnataka, India". The poster is co-authored by P. K. Joshi, M.N. Reddy and M. Sekhar. Prof. P K Joshi received the award on her behalf.
Ms Anusheema Chakraborty, a student of M.Sc.(Environmental Studies, 2012 batch) received Best Oral Presentation Award in the 13th ESRI India User Conference, 5-6 December, 2012 at Noida. She presented her M.Sc. thesis work on "Mapping biomes of India using Holdridge lifezone model - identifying footprints of climate change". The paper is co-authored by Annirudhha Gosh, P K Joshi and G Areendran.
Prof.Yuji Suzuki, Organising Committee Chair giving the award to Fawzia Tarannum.
Participants along with resource persons at YRS 2011 (inset)
For the second year in a row, a PhD student from the TERI School of Advanced Studies, Ms Fawzia Tarannum, was declared the winner of the 3-minute thesis competition, at the 2011 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers' School (YSR). Last year too, a TERI School of Advanced Studies student, Ms Shivakshi had won the competition.
The Young Researchers' School offers opportunities for students to be exposed to sustainability issues, while developing research skills, and to further encourage a network of students/future professionals and academics working on sustainable development. This year, the programmed was jointly hosted by Hosei University, Tokyo and the United Nations University's Institute of Advanced Studies, from 1 to 12 August 2011. The theme for this year was "Learning from Japan's experiences on urban sustainability".
Two students from TERI School of Advanced Studies joined 15 PhD students from the Asia-Pacific region participated in the programme this year. The programme gave an insight into various aspects of urban sustainability through lectures and field trips to places like Machida Recycling Cultural Center and Urban Design Center, Kashiwa.
The programme provided an excellent platform for participants to network with other students and resource persons working in the field of urban sustainability. It also gave an opportunity to young researchers to develop research proposals and sharpen their communication skills through various activities.
Three young Indian agri scientists have received Monsanto Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program (MBBISP) Research Fellowships in 2010 for improving rice and wheat breeding among the second set of 14 recipients The MBBISP 2010 recipients' projects include enhancing resistance to aphids in wheat ; breeding rice for cold tolerance in Brazil and improving drought tolerance in wheat Among the Indian winners, Anuradha Bansal holds a Masters in plant biotechnology from The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) School of Advanced Studies; Each winner has developed a next generation breeding research project in wheat - Anuradha and Amandeep aim to address plant resistance to leaf rust, and Luxmi's molecular breeding is aimed towards developing grain protein and micronutrient. Anuradha, Amandeep and Luxmi will collaborate with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Mexico; University of Zurich, Switzerland; and University of California, Davis respectively.
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