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 Prof. Chander Kumar Singh     Dean (Academics) Chander Kumar Singh is a Professor and Dean (Academics) at TERI School of Advanced Studies. He is a researcher and from a geochemistry background his interests have turned to interactions between environment and public health. In his research, he addresses critical issues and concerns of qualitative and quantitative assessment of groundwater in India. The ongoing theme of his work relates to spatial patterns of geogenic contaminants in India and South and Southeast Asia at large. He believes in widespread deployment of field kits to ascertain the quality of water and to understand the mechanisms that drive the complex distribution of geogenic contaminants in groundwater. He focuses on vulnerability of aquifers using deep drilling, carbon dating and more sophisticated techniques in Indus and Gangetic plains of India. Dr. Singh’s doctoral scholars work on a wide range of topics from Arsenic, fluoride and uranium contamination as well as to identify morphotectonic changes using hyperspectral imaging techniques.

Dr. Singh has received various international and national grants. He was awarded a very prestigious grant by National Science Foundation, USA and USAID. He works with a large pool of earth, public health and social scientists across the world on the issues of groundwater contamination. He collaborates with various institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University of New York, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, University of Milan, King Khalid University, IIT Kharagpur, Mahavir Cancer Institute etc around the more.

17th Convocation: 5th March 2025
11 days to go