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H.E. Dr.Sultan Al Jaber, COP 28, President Designate, Special Envoy on Climate Change, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, UAE conferred with TERI SAS distinguished Alumni Award 2023.

He is an Alumni and has received an honorary PhD earlier from TERISAS.


TERI School of Advanced Studies held Alumni Meet on Saturday, Dec 9,2023.

This year Alumni meet was a part of the three day festival, Aahwaan, hosted at our campus from December 7 to 9, 2023. The current batch of students shared a glimpse of the events with them through video.

The Meet started with the address of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Arun Kansal. His encouraging words during his welcome address enthused the alumni to share their reminisces during their years spent at the institute and their career thereafter.

Mr. Jai Kumar Gaurav, President of Alumni Executive committee briefed about the various activities of alumni association and proposed to start an alumni- mentor program for current students. An alumni meet at other locations was also proposed. Both the suggestions were welcomed by the participants.

Dr. Shaleen, Dean Academics, briefed about the various academic programs introduced at TERI SAS in the recent past.

Col. Venkat, Registrar, introduced himself to the alumni in his first formal interaction with the alumni and mentioned he look forward to strengthening alumni connect at TERI SAS.

The TERI SAS alumnus from various programmes and across batches attended the meet and shared their innovative ideas regarding their programmes and how it has helped them develop niche careers. Valuable inputs indeed for the current batch of students in our deemed university.

Dr. Ranjana Ray Chaudhuri, Convener of Alumni Committee, thanked everyone for their active participation .




Activities and Homecomings



In keeping with the aforesaid vision TAA has planned to undertake the following activities:

  • Formulating and executing activities that benefit the institute as well as the Alumni.
  • Bringing out a biannual alumni newsletter as a medium of communication between the alumni and the institute.
  • Organizing get-togethers and trips at various venues for active interaction between the members of the Alumni.
  • Producing souvenirs for the Alumni.  






TERI School of Advanced Studies held an online Alumni Meet on Sunday, June 26, 2022.

The Meet started with the address of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Prateek Sharma. His encouraging words during his welcome address enthused the alumni to share their reminisces during their years spent at the institute and their career thereafter.

The TERI SAS alumnus from various programmes and across batches virtually attended the meet and shared their innovative ideas regarding their programmes and how it has helped them develop niche careers, valuable inputs indeed for the current batch of students in our deemed university.

Ongoing Activities: COVID Scholarship Fund

After an appeal by the University, the alumni stepped forward and helped gather funds to support students who had lost family members to COVID during the 2nd wave:

• Alumni volunteers, University staff and some faculty members formed the COVID - 19 Student Alumni Welfare Fund Committee to disburse funds upwards of INR 3 lakhs that were sourced
• The Committee gathered documents from students impacted to review their change in economic situation with requisite proofs
• Funds of INR 50,000 from the fund were disbursed to 5 students towards their tuition and INR 10,000 was contributed by the University for each student
• The remaining funds are for future requirements, subject to be disbursed basis mutual agreement of alumni and the University

• Alumni chapters: Mumbai chapter started by the University so far, plans to extend it to further cities/parts of the world dependent on number of students
• Plans to finalise a fixed date for the Alumni meet each year – a poll will be shared with alumni over email
• Ways to foster alumni-student interaction: Eg. Formalising future interactive sessions, featuring alumni stories, etc.
• Suggestions welcome!

Three alumni, Mr. Upkari Nath Tripathi, Dr. Chandni Singh and Ms. Ninika Dhawan shared their experiences at TERI SAS and their journey as committed professionals. Upkari Nath Tripathi has pursued his M.Tech. in Renewable Energy Engineering & Management, 2010-2012 batch and is now an Entrepreneur founder of Electric cycle manufacturing startup. Chandni Singh has completed her MSc in Environmental Studies 2006-2008 batch and is now an IPCC Lead Author and an Assistant Professor at IIHS Ninika Dhawan has pursued her M.A. in Sustainable Development Practice Batch of 2011-2013 and is now a Deputy Commissioner at Indian Revenue Service, Government of India Everyone expressed joy at meeting one another through video and audio and were happy to renew their bond with the institute. All were asked to share their experiences at TERISAS and how it is helping them in their career path at present. The meet ended with the President and Secretthanking all for their presence and contribution.



TERI School of Advanced Studies held an online Alumni Meet on 28th February 2021.

The Meet started with the address of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Manipadma Datta. His encouraging words during his welcome address enthused the alumni to share their reminisces during their years spent at the institute and their career thereafter.

The TERI SAS alumnus from various programmes and across batches virtually attended the meet and shared their innovative ideas regarding their programmes and how it has helped them develop niche careers, valuable inputs indeed for the current batch of students in our deemed university.

The current tenure of the post of President and Secretary of the TERI SAS Alumni Executive Committee is for one year, there was a long standing need for extending the tenure to two years. A poll for the same was conducted amongst Alumni during the virtual meet and 76 percent agreed that the tenure may be extended to two years.

Further it was proposed that the tenure of the TERI SAS Alumni Executive Committee should be increased to five years and the same was also agreed to by a majority of those present.

Two alumnus Mr Manpreet Singh and Mr Dinakar Peri shared their experiences at TERI SAS and their journey as committed professionals.

Everyone expressed joy at meeting one another through video and audio and were happy to renew their bond with the institute. The meet ended with the President thanking all for their presence and contribution.



TERI School of Advanced Studies (TERI SAS), organised its first alumni meet in Mumbai on March 4th, 2020. The meeting led to the foundation of the Mumbai Chapter of TERI SAS Alumni Association (TAA).

This alumni meet was also the first outside Delhi. Our Mumbai alumni turned up to revisit their times at TERI SAS and the story thereafter. The faculty, including the Vice Chancellor, Dr Manipadma Datta and alumni cherished and rejoiced the old memories and discussed the future of academia and the industry at length. The august gathering that started over tea concluded at a dinner with both the alumni and the faculty laying strong emphasis on meeting frequently.

It was also proposed that TERI SAS should come up with multiple chapters of Alumni Association to further strengthen the bond between the alumni, current students and the institute.



The TERI-SAS Alumni meet 2019(Reminiscence-2019) was held on 16th November, with a carbon neutral theme sponsored by A Series and Power Grid. The meet aimed to build synergies between the Alumni, University and students.

The event started with a welcome address by Ms. Deepali Dhulia, president Alumni Association Executive Committee. Deepali briefed the alumni about the various initiatives taken by association and university like, Alumni Webinar series, Interactive sessions, highlighting alumni achievements on website and through TERI SAS social media platforms, to build and sustain a strong connect between TERI SAS and it's alumni. TAA also requested the contribution of the Alumni in form of knowledge sharing and sponsorship.
Mr. Shahrukh Wasay, an alumnus from MSC-Geoinformatics (2010-12) shared his personal experience and gave them tips for healthy living and how to maintain work life balance and how he has never looked back since. He currently works as Assistant Manager Training at ESRI and visits the University often to share his expertise with students. A variety of cultural performances were put together by the current students, the event concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Apurv Chaturvedi, the current Secretary of TAA.
The event concluded with dinner, which provided an opportunity for the current students, the Alumni and the faculty members to interact amongst themselves.



The TERI-SAS Alumni meet 2017 was held on 10th November, with a carbon neutral theme sponsored by OIL. The purpose of the meet was to strengthen the Alumni body with different ideologies and to foster interactions with the students.

The event started with a welcome address by Dr. Leena Srivastava, Vice Chancellor, followed by Dr. Rajiv Seth, Pro-Vice Chancellor. The working committee members of TERI Alumni Association (TAA) presented the vision and mission of the association for the next five year period, and requested the contribution of the Alumni in form of knowledge sharing and sponsorship. The open suggestion round from the Alumni resulted in suggestions like inter-batch interactions, alumni newsletter and an online portal for feedback and experience sharing. Mr. Ashish Nandan and Mr. Sandeep Swain were felicitated for their contribution to the TAA.

The event saw a variety of cultural performances put together by the current students of the Institute. A fun quiz round was conducted to judge how much do the students and the Alumni know about the TERI-SAS campus. The common lunch provided an opportunity for the current students, the Alumni and the faculty members to interact amongst themselves. The day ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Prashanth Varanasi, the current Secretary of TAA.

2016 The TERI-SAS Alumni meet 2017 was held on November 10, with a carbon neutral theme sponsored by OIL. The purpose of the meet was to strengthen the Alumni body with different ideologies and to foster interactions with the students.

The event started with a welcome address by Dr. Leena Srivastava, Vice Chancellor, followed by Dr. Rajiv Seth, Pro-Vice Chancellor. The working committee members of TERI Alumni Association (TAA) presented the vision and mission of the association for the next five year period, and requested the contribution of the Alumni in form of knowledge sharing and sponsorship. The open suggestion round from the Alumni resulted in suggestions like inter-batch interactions, alumni newsletter and an online portal for feedback and experience sharing. Mr. Ashish Nandan and Mr. Sandeep Swain were felicitated for their contribution to the TAA.

The event saw a variety of cultural performances put together by the current students of the Institute. A fun quiz round was conducted to judge how much do the students and the Alumni know about the TERI-SAS campus. The common lunch provided an opportunity for the current students, the Alumni and the faculty members to interact amongst themselves. The day ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Prashanth Varanasi, the current Secretary of TAA.

2015 The TERI-SAS Alumni meet 2017 was held on 10th November, with a carbon neutral theme sponsored by OIL. The purpose of the meet was to strengthen the Alumni body with different ideologies and to foster interactions with the students.

The event started with a welcome address by Dr. Leena Srivastava, Vice Chancellor, followed by Dr. Rajiv Seth, Pro-Vice Chancellor. The working committee members of TERI Alumni Association (TAA) presented the vision and mission of the association for the next five year period, and requested the contribution of the Alumni in form of knowledge sharing and sponsorship. The open suggestion round from the Alumni resulted in suggestions like inter-batch interactions, alumni newsletter and an online portal for feedback and experience sharing. Mr. Ashish Nandan and Mr. Sandeep Swain were felicitated for their contribution to the TAA.

The event saw a variety of cultural performances put together by the current students of the Institute. A fun quiz round was conducted to judge how much do the students and the Alumni know about the TERI-SAS campus. The common lunch provided an opportunity for the current students, the Alumni and the faculty members to interact amongst themselves. The day ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Prashanth Varanasi, the current Secretary of TAA.

TAA is a registered society under Societies Registration Act.


General Body of TAA/Membership:- The General Body consists of the following Members:-

  • Life Members - All students who have successfully obtained any Degree/Diploma from the TERI SAS.
  • Staff Members - Any ex-staff member who has worked on a regular basis may opt to become a Member.
  • Others - Any ex-student or ex-staff member who does not fulfill the above condition may on recommendation of the Executive Committee be admitted to the Association on payment of the appropriate fee.

    -The General body meets at least once in a year at the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM). -The Membership Fee for all members are decided by mutual discussion between TERI SAS & TAA. At present no fee is levied on members.



Executive Committee(EC) of TAA :- The executive authority of the association.

  • Vice Chancellor - Chairperson
  • Distinguished Alumni: (Vacant) - Vice Chairperson
  • VC Nominee : Dr Ranjana Ray Chaudhury - Member
  • The immediate Past President (who has completed 03 yrs in EC):  Non voting member
  • Six Alumni elected by AGM for a 03 year term - Members:-
Our Vision

The alumni association was set up with the vision to instill a lifelong commitment among the alumni towards the Alma mater and to promote a strong student-alumni connect and attract the alumni to Deemed University services like facilitating scholarship funds to help needy and deserving students of TERI SAS, felicitating outstanding project work and research papers and recognizing notable community service.



Contribution to Alumni Fund

The bank mandate for transfer of funds to the Alumni Fund.

After making the transfer of funds, you are requested to share the UTR No. and date of payment at email ids given below along with your name, contact number and details of programme pursued at TERI SAS. and with cc to




Alumni Association Office
Plot No. 10, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110070 India

Name Academic Programmes Batch Email ID Current Organisation Name Designation Elected Member of EC Upto
Jai Kumar Gaurav M.Sc. 2008 GIZ Senior Advisor July 2025
Ananya Khosla MBA(BS) 2015 MSc Sustainable Cities student at King's College, London. Student August 2020
Sumit Sood MTech(REEM) 2015 SensorSuite Inc., Canada Senior Energy Analyst - Analytics, Policy & Utilities August 2022
Anwesha Chaliha MA(SDP) 2021 TEZPUR UNIVERSITY Research Scholar July 2025
Lucky Aggarwal MTech(REEM) 2015 SolarTech Saarthi Pvt. Ltd. Managing Director August 2022
Diana Frenchman MA-SDP 2017 Tata Trusts Program Officer August 2022
Ex Officio Member
Deepali Dhuliya MBA(BS) 2008 E & Y Manager- Climate Change & Sustainability August 2020
Name Academic Programmes Batch Email ID Current Organisation Name Designation Elected Member of EC Upto
Deepali Dhuliya MBA(BS) 2013 Ernst & Young Senior Consultant- Climate Change and Sustainability August 2020
Apurv Chaturvedi MBA(BS) 2012 Oil India Limited Senior Officer- Public relations/ Corp. Communication and Sustainability August 2020
Sumit Sood MTech(REEM) 2015 SensorSuite Inc., Canada Senior Energy Analyst - Analytics, Policy & Utilities August 2022
Ananya Khosla MBA(BS) 2015 Schneider Electric Manager August 2022
Lucky Aggarwal MTech(REEM) 2015 SolarTech Saarthi Pvt. Ltd. Managing Director August 2022
Diana Frenchman MA-SDP 2017 Tata Trusts Program Officer August 2022

N.B President and secretary are elected for a period of one year by elected member of the Executive Committee from amongst six members elected by Annual General Body Meeting.