Prof. Shashi Bhushan Tripathi has been working for past 20 years in the field of molecular breeding and germplasm characterisation. He has used various molecular markers such as RAPD, ISSR, AFLP and SSRs in several plant species for analysis of genetic diversity and population structure. Since 2014, he has been using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS-SNPs) markers in Jatropha, okra, chilli, cattle and poultry for germplasm characterisation and identification of QTLs for important traits. He has been an active researcher in several DBT-funded network projects on germplasm characterisation such as tea, bamboo, agarwood, Jatropha and sea buckthorn. His project on Development of double-low varieties in Brassica juncea has been awarded for the Best Innovation Award in Agricultural Biotechnology by BIRAC, Government of India. Currently, he is part of the DBT-funded network project on banana genetic diversity. In addition, he is also working on genetic improvement of Bhut Jolokia, a chilli landrace of Assam.
- Malik AA and Tripathi SB, 2019, Application of Molecular Markers in Genetic Improvement of Jatropha, In: Sujatha M, Carels N, Bahadur B (eds). Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop. Springer, pp 131-143
- Madawala SRP, Brunius C, Adholeya A, Tripathi SB, Hanhineva K, Hajazimi E, Shi L, Dimberg L, Landberg R, 2018, Impact of location on composition of selected phytochemicals in wild sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 72: 115-121
- S3. Vaishnav V, Wali SA, Tripathi SB, Negi MS, Ansari SA, 2018, A preliminary investigation on AFLP marker-wood density trait association in teak (Tectona grandis L. f.), Annals of Forest Research, 61: 49-63
- Barnwal P, van Geen A, von der Goltz J, Singh CK., 2017Analysis of genetic relatedness among Indian cattle (Bos indicus) using genotyping-by-sequencing markers, Animal Genetics, 49(3): 242-245
- Nanda P, Singh AK, Negi MS, Tripathi SB, 2017, Rapid development and characterization of fifteen novel microsatellite loci in vulnerable tree Aquilaria malaccensis using next generation ion torrent PGM™ sequencing, Indian Journal of Genetics, 77: 145-152
- Sharma SS, Singh V, Negi MS, Tripathi SB, 2017, Genetic diversity, population structure and association study using TE-AFLP markers in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm, Tree Genetics & Genomes, 13: 6
- Pandey P, Malik AA, Kumar K, Negi MS, Tripathi SB , 2016 Changes in DNA methylation levels during seed development in Jatropha curcas, Journal of Genetics, 95: DOI 10.1007/s12041-12016-10703-12045
- Sharma S, Bhaskaran S, Tripathi SB, Vaid N, Varma B, 2016b, Genetic polymophisms in RAAS and VEGF: Association study in preeclamptic mothers and fetuses, International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, DOI:
- Sharma SS, Md Islam A, Malik AA, Kumar K, Negi MS, Tripathi SB, 2016a, Seed traits, fatty acid profile and genetic diversity assessment in Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre germplasm, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants , 22(2): 193-205
- Negi MS, Sharma SS, Singh A, Chauhan S, Adheloya A, Tripathi SB , 2016, Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Indian Tea Accessions Using Two Modified Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Methods, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Biol Sci, : DOI 10.1007/s40011-40016-40798-40018
Accepting Ph.D. students starting July 2025: Yes
- Best Innovation Project Award in Agricultural Biotechnology for 2016 by BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology
- Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education award for excellence in Forest Biotechnology for the year 2002-2003
- JRF/SRF from 1992-1997 from University Grant Commission