Description of instruments/software
Emissivity Measurement
This experimental set up consists of two circular aluminium plates, plate one blackened by thick layer of lamp black to form the idealised black surfaces whereas the plate 2 is the test plate whose emissivity is to be determined, identical in size and provided with heating coils at the bottom. The heat input to the heater is varied by separate dimmer stats and is measured by an ammeter and a voltmeter. Separate wires are connected to diametrically opposite points to get the average surface temperature and one thermo couple is placed in the enclosure to measure ambient temperature. The heater inputs to the two plates are dissipated by conduction, convection and radiation. The experimental set up designed in such a way that under steady state conditions the heat dissipated by conduction and convection in the same for the two plates.
Thermal conductivity measurement
Thermal conductivity of a test material wood is tested using controlled heat supply through the experimental setup. In addition, thermal conductivity of unknown materials are tested using analytical tool of TC-meter.
Natural convection experiment
This tool helps students to calculate the het transfer coefficient of air in natural convection flowing over vertical cylinder. The cylinder is heated up using electrical heating while ambient air helps in dissipation of heat by natural convection.
Forced convection experiment
This tool helps is understanding forced convection. Air is used as the medium of heat transfer from a cylindrical heating element. It consists of a controlled heater, a blower to force dissipation of heat and a u-tube manometer to calculate the flow rate along with control valve and thermocouples.
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
The shell and tube exchanger is a simple model that demonstrates the basic principles of heat transfer consists of a number of tubes in parallel enclosed in a cylindrical shell. Heat is transferred between one fluid flowing through the tube bundle and the other fluid flowing through the cylindrical shell around the tubes.
CoE in Thermal Energy Storage
The lab also houses sophisticated research facility of centre of excellence in thermal energy storage has been established at the TERI school of advanced studies (formerly TERI University). Thermo-physical property characterization instrument i.e. differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), thermo-gravimetric analyser (TGA), thermal conductivity meter (TCM) with environmental chamber, digital mass balance etc have been procured and commissioned. COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software and workstations have been procured and are being used for research and training purposes.
List of publications
• Rohit Ranjan, Abhinav Bhaskar, Som Mondal, “Phase Change Material Integrated Bricks Wall: Fabrication and Performance Testing”, Presented at 3rd Energy Future Conference, Feb 5-7, 2018, Sydney, Australia
• Pavankumar T, Abhinav Bhaskar, Som Mondal, “Experimental Study on enhancement of heat transfer coefficient for a PCM integrated compact heat exchanger model for medium temperature heat storage”, Presented at 3rd Energy Future Conference, Feb 5-7, 2018, Sydney, Australia
• Apurva Verma, Sumit Saha, Abhinav Bhaskar, Som Mondal, “Experimental analysis of a latent heat based thermal storage system” Presented at 3rd Energy Future Conference, Feb 5-7, 2018, Sydney, Australia
• Rohit Ranjan et al., “Solar Block: Thermal Capacity Enhancement of Concrete Bricks using Water and Candle Wax for Passive Indoor Thermal Comfort”, Presented at IEEE conference i-PACT, April 21-22 2017, Vellore, India