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Molecular cloning and functional characterization of novel dehydration-responsive phosphoprotein-CaCLB1 gene in cicer arietinum

Student name: Ms Deepti Singh
Guide: Dr Deepti Gupta
Year of completion: 2013
Host Organisation: National Institute of Plant Genomic Research, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Niranjan Chakraborty
Abstract: Ca2+ is avital secondary messenger in plant signal transduction pathways during stress condition and mainly in drought stress. Functional characterization of Ca2+ -binding domains (C2-domains) in plant proteins will help us in identifying the mechanisms of Ca2+signalling pathway regulating stress-induced gene expression and therefore will open new perspectives for crop genetic improvement. Main objective of this experiment is focusing on to the Ca2+signalling pathways which control the function of transcriptional mechanisms. Therefore,for the functional characterization of CaCLB1 gene, several experiments were performed including gene isolation, it’s cloning into possible compatible vectors, sequencing of gene, transient expression analysis of protein, qRT-PCR for the expression analysis of the CaCLB1 gene. Structural analysis of CaCLB1 gene was done by using various bioinformatics tools which revealed the presence of 11 exons and 10 introns. Confocal analysis revealed that CaCLB protein is localized in the apoplast of chickpea cells. Here, I demonstrated the probable role of CaCLB1 gene as stress responsive by analyzing the expression pattern of CaCLB transcript during various stress condition.

Key words:Chickpea, C2-domain, Ca2+ -sensing proteins, abiotic stress response, drought stress.