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LNG demand and supply management in southern region (India)

Student name: Ms Nisha Vashisth
Guide: Dr Sanpa Narula
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Petronet LNG Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Vivek Mittal
Abstract: Amidst increasing prices of crude oil and increasing environmental concerns Natural Gas has been considered as one of the possible solution to the predicament. Many steps have been taken all around the globe to combat the situation created by diminishing Oil reserves. Cross border pipelines have now become so fissile and feasible to lay just because of the seriousness of the existing energy conditions. And with proposed LNG terminals and these pipelines the import of gas will help in meeting the increasing demand for gas mainly by power and fertilizer sector.

In India, several steps have been taken in an order to curb the energy scarcity out of which introduction of NELP rounds, NGH Programme, CBM exploration programme and harnessing of renewable sources of energy are commendable. Similarly, on the front of downstream operations steps have been taken for making easy availability of natural gas to the common people. The study on demand- supply analysis for southern region (India) also covers one of the major portions of the gas supply conditions in southern region.

The study covers the current scenario of Gas industry with a brief introduction to the sources and existing statistical figures of Natural Gas. It also covers the LNG terminal infrastructure in all over India with special emphasis on Southern Region.

The study encapsulate the rationale and current status of proposed LNG Kochi Terminal of Petronet and carry out SWOT analysis of the organization regarding the Gas supply option for southern region (India). It also calculates the potential demand of Natural Gas in probable areas of southern region (India).

The study proposes few suggestions regarding the potential areas for supply of gas and comes out with a conclusion that the basis of demand for gas by any sector/ region is depends upon the easy avaibility, Policy and regulation issues and pricing of gas.