Improved cook stoves: dissemination model
Student name: Ms Bhumika Khanna
Guide: Dr Kamna Sachdeva
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: TERI-ST (Social Transformation), New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Abhishek Kar
Abstract: In almost all the developing countries biomass represents about 80% of the energy balance used for cooking purposes. This
Biomass is used in very inefficient stoves and wastes a lot of energy. This fact contributes to the irrational cutting of trees,
black carbon emissions and serious health impacts.
DFID - TERI partnership aims to contribute to strengthened knowledge, policy analysis and advice for effective development
practices in India for the attainment of the MDGs, with a specific focus on improving access of energy to poor people, and
on improving the sustainability of resource use across the economy. The primary beneficiaries of the programme will be poor
people, particularly in remote rural areas. Poor women and children in particular will benefit since they are
disproportionately affected by indoor air pollution.
The purpose of this project report is to design a robust business model for dissemination and scaling up usage of Improved
Cook stoves. If stove dissemination can be linked to micro-finance either through MFI (Micro Finance Institutions) or SHG
(Self Help Groups), a viable business model can be generated.
My study explores the theoretical framework of such linkage, reviews past experience in similar product lines and
documents experiences & learning of such models that have implemented in the field during this period.
Also, as the project progresses and the number of beneficiaries and other stakeholders increase, there will be a lot of data
and information to handle; to use and store this information efficiently, to improve the efficiency of the dissemination process
and to keep the whole process transparent- project MIS is required. This report also gives an outline or overview of the
project MIS design.
Key words: Improved cook stove business model, Dissemination model, Indoor Air pollution