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Standardization of construction waste management and implementation of organic waste management solutions at Infosys campuses

Student name: Ms Swati Aggarwal
Guide: Dr Prateek Sharma
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Infosys Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Digu Aruckamy
Abstract: The objective of the study was to come up with guidelines for construction waste management as a step towards standardisation of the CWM practices at Infosys and provide solutions for the organic waste management at some of the Infosys campuses. A recommendation for the meaning that should be derived by zero-waste by Infosys was also given. Besides this a waste management strategy was recommended for the organisation.

For the CWM guidelines literature review was carried out so as to get an understanding of the types of construction material and their management. Construction site visits to various Infosys campuses and to other sites outside Infosys were carried out to understand the present scenario of CWM. The interviews with contractors, subcontractors and other people working on the sites helped to identify existing gaps in the present practices of CWM. Since not all Infosys sites could be visited, a questionnaire was prepared and the replies from the teams at various Infosys campuses were analysed. Finally a draft of the guidelines was prepared and presented to the team and the feedback from them incorporated to prepare a final guidelines document. The detailed guidelines for five kinds of construction waste i.e. concrete, wood, steel, hazardous waste and packaging material were also provided.

For providing organic waste management solutions, several relevant vendors were contacted for proposals. The proposals received were analysed and reviewed technically. The solutions were shortlisted based on the requirements and limitations, and discussed with the vendors. The most suitable solutions were selected after the vendors provided updated proposals based on the discussion. The main technologies studied for kitchen organic waste were vermi-composting, organic waste composter using biotechnology and in-vessel technology. For sludge management, technologies studied were solar drying and anaerobic digestion.

Keywords: construction waste management, organic waste management, sludge management, waste hierarchy, zero waste