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Community dependence and their interaction with natural ecosystems: a case study at Koshi Tappu wildlife reserve, Nepal

Student name: Ms Priya Pradeep Joshi
Guide: Dr Joachim Schmerbeck
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Gopal Rawat and Dr Nakul Chettri
Abstract: Natural ecosystems are banks of goods and services which can sustain and nurture human life. The current study deals with the identification of different biomass resources and quantification of their extraction at Koshi Tappu wildlife reserve, Nepal. There were nine major biomass resources identified out of which, fuel wood, fodder and fish production were extracted in a large quantity. The study also included economic valuation of the resources that were consumed. The economic valuation was done by the principal of total economic valuation (TEV), the TEV of Koshi Tappu Wildlife reserve was found out to be 3573.96 lakh NRs/annum (1.74% of the GDP of Nepal for the year 2012). The highest contributor to the TEV of the reserve was fuelwood followed by fodder. The study also involves analysis of level of dependency of the local people and villages on the reserve based on socio – economic factors ( occupational groups, migration status, livestock units, family size, landholding and resource use pattern). It was found that the agricultural groups depended most on the resources from the reserve while Shreepur – Haripur villages showed maximum overall dependency.

Key words: Ecosystem goods and services, TEV, KTWR, Resource dependence, Quantification,