Development of an evaluation tool for teachers/ trainers of education for sustainable development
Student name: Ms Prachi Kumar
Guide: Dr Mala Narang Reddy
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research (BVIEER), Pune
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Erach Bharucha
Abstract: To combat the problems of unsustainable growth patterns, India adopted the
concept of Sustainable Development (SD). Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of
Environment Education and Research (BVIEER) situated in the city of Pune in
Maharashtra, India collaborated with GIZ (Deutsche Geselleschaft fur
Internationale Zusammenarbeit) for the development of „Training of Trainers‟ or
„TOT‟ module in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
The planning and implementation of learning programmes such as ESD enables
us to determine how we will make judgments, based on evidence, about the
outcomes, value and quality of a programme. Therefore an evaluation study was
undertaken to assess the outcome of the use of the matrix in ESD and to evaluate
the effectiveness of TOT module and education in workshop mode for ESD.
In the five day TOT workshop, 36 participants (teachers and trainers) from all
over India had participated. Out of the 36 participants, 16 were from
Maharashtra and Goa. These 16 participants from Mumbai, Dhahanu,
Auragabad, Nashik, Pune and Goa were interviewed using mixed approach
using both qualitative and quantitave method. In-depth interview schedule,
structured rating tools and participant observation was utilized to collect
information and feedback.
Most of the teachers cited time constraint in conducting the TOT workshop since
the TOT workshop was spread over 5 days. Hence it is recommended to
condense the modules and shorten the period of training for the TOT workshop.
Most of the participants had implemented ESD program at school and
communities and they were able to use whole school approach. At most
functional level, evaluation can inform practice and guide programme
development. The important lesson learnt from this participant evaluation was
that evaluation need not be viewed as a managerial tool. Success lies in it being
participant and it should reflect the ethos of development of ESD work.