Role of CDM in promotion of less GHG intensive technologies
Student name: Ms Neeti Suhag
Guide: Dr Kamna Sachdeva
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: ICRA Management Consulting Services Limited, Mumbai
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Sunil Varma Marri
Abstract: Global warming is the result of the Green house gases (GHG) emissions which has a serious impact
on the earth’s atmosphere. One of the major GHG is Carbon dioxide. Different market based
instruments are available that help in preventing the release of GHG into the atmosphere like taxes,
subsidies, licenses, tradable permits etc. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one the market
based instrument which is defined under Article 12 of Kyoto Protocol. It allows developing and the
developed countries to participate in CDM activities and earn tradable certified emission reduction
(CERs). CERs also referred as Carbon Credits. According to the Kyoto protocol countries have to
meet the set target. CDM mechanism actually provides flexibility to achieve these targets. The aim of
the study is to focus on the role of CDM in promotion of green technologies, to study the procedure
and aspect of investment in CDM projects. The details of the projects are made publicly available on
official website of UNFCCC (
In section 2, climate change is introduced. Three different mechanisms provided (Joint
implementation, Emission trading and CDM) in Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate change are
Section 3 of the report has a detailed description of Clean Development mechanism, including each
step of the project cycle and other important considerations.
Section4 lists different methodologies, tools and guidelines provided by UNFCCC used for the
purpose of the project
In section 5, presents details of different case studies which are carried out
Section 6 describes s the discussion about the results derived from the study
Section 7 represents the conclusion that is drawn from the results and discussion of the activity .
Key Words: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Certified Emissions Reduction (CERs),
Greenhouse gases (GHG), Executive Board (EB), United Nation Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC)