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Municipal waste management: a study of methods of disposal, issues of sustainability and energy recovery of municipal waste management at organic recycling systems Pvt. Ltd.

Student name: Ms Gargi Rajawat
Guide: Dr Prateek Sharma
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Organic Recycling Systems Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Chetan Patil
Abstract: Municipal waste affects a large population density and currently is the biggest problem of modern cities and urban centers; consequently it interferes with basic civil rights and day to day functioning of these places. The objective of this report is to study the management of operations, methodology and manpower involved in handling municipal waste and how they can be improved.

The purpose of infrastructure development work which we saw in last 15 yrs is defeated right from its inception when a system of waste disposal and recycling is not planned in advance. This report studies the procedures of waste handling from its source to the destination of its disposal, various technologies and processes of disposal and recovery of energy and reusable material after treatment of waste. The management of manpower and compliance with various legal and technical regulations is equally important and a neglected part in waste management.

SWM is not a one part deal, its takes a lot of field of interests to accomplish one goal, some of them have been described below.

Key Words: Municipal, waste, development, recovery and energy