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Generation of water resource development plan for WG-8 watershed and analysis of ground water quality data using water quality index

Student name: Ms Jyoti Nayak
Guide: Dr Bakim Chandra Oinam
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre, Nagpur
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Vinod M. Bothale
Abstract: Rural development in India has always been a priority for both central as well as state government and there has been a constant flow of thoughts and views in for implementing and materializing such development. Planning at the grass root level is the need of the hour for which the natural resources have to be utilized effectively and judicially. Planning aims at local area development treating gram Panchayat as the planning unit. The study aims at generating required resources themes on 1:10,000 scale with uniform standards in GIS environment. For generation of these resources themes on 1:10K A high resolution image is required. Eight different fusion techniques were carried out with their qualitative and quantitative assessment. Most satisfactory results were seen in multiplicative fusion method. Hence multiplicative fusion method was opted to generate orthorectified Cartosat-1 PAN and LISS-IV Mx fused imagery having 2.5m spatial resolution imagery as basic common input for all resource themes preparation. This will enable to facilitate the common spatial reference and geometric integrity across and along the work to be carried out for the entire study area. Based on the layers generated i.e.; LULC, road, canal and drainage, water resources development plan is generated and will be implemented both at Gram Panchayat. As per LULC almost major part of study area is covered by crop land followed by forest, waterbodies, wasteland, built up and grassland/grazing land. For development of agriculture prime area are suggested with water resources development structures. These structures are required for watershed management. The major objectives of suggesting these structures are water conservation, soil conservation, enhance and manage irrigation system, aquifer recharge etc. In this study it was an attempt to suggest Water Resource Development Plan for one of the priority watershed of Bhandara, WG-8. Another objective of this project explores how water quality index can help in determining the ground water quality using nine important parameters. Water quality index is an effective tool to analyses spatial and temporal changes in ground water quality. This objective was accomplished for Amravati division for pre monsoon and post monsoon season.

Keywords: Grampanchayat, orthorectified, CARTOSAT-1PAN, LISS-1VMx, Fusion.