Carbon auditing of Nanjing International School, China
Student name: Mr G. G. Narentheran
Guide: Dr Kamna Sachdeva
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: LEAP Sustainability, Design & Consulting Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Gaurav Mukhija
Abstract: Schools form the pillars of modern society as they mould and shape the future
generations. Schools are also an enterprise which is carbon intensive and utilizes
various products that emits GHG’s into the atmosphere directly or indirectly. Leap
SDC Pvt Ltd has devised a composite methodology – Carbon Audit which involves
the students, parents, teachers, and facility managers in calculating the total carbon
di Oxide emitted by the school. The Carbon Audit of Nanjing International School
(NIS), China evolves over six different components – Energy, Transportation, Food,
Resources, Water, and Waste. This report gives a detailed methodology of
conducting a carbon audit for each of the sectors above mentioned. The results have
been attained for a time period of one year. The energy consumed from grid
electricity and Natural Gas consumption – 2283.2 Tons of CO2, Food consumed –
61.45 Tons of CO2 , Paper used by students and teachers – 9.75 Tons of CO2 and the
private transport used by the Students for commuting – 137.6 Tons of CO2 . The total
CO2 emission for NIS is 2447 Tons of CO2. Recommendations have also been
included for reducing the carbon emissions in each of the sectors.
Key Words:
•Carbon Audit, School, Energy, Transportation, Food, Resources, Waste