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Greenhouse gas accounting of the industries and waste sector of Gujarat: perceived impacts and responses due to climate change

Student name: Mr Arvind L Sha
Guide: Dr Kamna Sachdeva
Year of completion: 2012
Host Organisation: Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA)
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Prof Pramod K. Singh
Abstract: The Project ‘GHG Accounting of Industries and Waste Sector of Gujarat: Perceived Impacts and Responses’ is a part of the overall report of the State of Climate Change in Gujarat, This is a subsection of the State of Environment Report 2011, Gujarat.

The basic framework followed is the PSIR framework (the same is followed for every section of this report also). The greenhouse gas emissions from the industries and waste sector are considered to be the anthropogenic pressures. The present status is estimated by the analysis of temperature and precipitation data. The impacts are classified into potential and observed impacts due to climate change on the industry and waste sectors, these impacts are based on changes in temperature and precipitation levels, sea level rise, floods, storm surges and cyclones. The responses are divided based on the approach (policy, technology, institutional and capacity building) that is or could be taken up not only by the state but also by the local community.

The greenhouse gas emission from the industries and waste sector shows a linear increase in emission with the increase in the number of industries and population. The results of the climate data analysis show that there is an increasing trend in the mean maximum, mean minimum and mean temperatures in Gujarat. The trend for rainfall also shows an increase, this increase is in correlation with the précsis model predictions, which project an increase in the rainfall and temperature for Gujarat. The impacts based on the literature review show that there has been an increase in sea level rise, coastal erosion and floods, though this might not be directly related to climate change, it is majorly influenced and is influencing the climate of Gujarat. The project work ends with the responses which provides the actions that are taken up to reduce and adapt to the effects of changing climate.

Key words: PSIR framework, Greenhouse gas emissions, Climate data analysis, Impacts and Responses, Sea level rise, Coastal erosion