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Yale community carbon fund

Student name: Mr Jawahar Shah
Guide: Dr Vivek Kumar
Year of completion: 2008
Host Organisation: Centre for Business and Environment, Yale University
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Bryan Garcia
Abstract: The Yale Community Carbon Fund (YCCF) project has been put in place by the Office of Sustainability at Yale (OSY) to with the aim of putting together and funding a portfolio of local projects that Yale can undertake to offset its carbon emissions. To arrive at this list of projects, a team of students was created under the joint supervision of the Center for Business and Environment at Yale (CBEY) and the Business and Environment Clinic. This team was tasked with identification of a preliminary list of local offset projects and subsequently to conduct a quantitative analysis for each of the short-listed projects. The analysis was in the form of creating a carbon calculator that would estimate the cost per ton of carbon emissions avoided by each project and would rank them accordingly.

This report details the short-listing criteria and the construction and functioning of the carbon calculator created by this team.