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Potential for verification of greenhouse gas inventory in accordance with ISO 14064 in India

Student name: Ms Suparana Katyaini
Guide: Dr Nandini Kumar
Year of completion: 2009
Host Organisation: SGS India Pvt.Ltd. and TERI University
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Nikunj Agarwal
Abstract: Climate change is a global phenomenon, and the responsibility to mitigate and adapt to it lies differentially on nations. Internationally accepted mechanisms like clean development mechanism (CDM) under Kyoto Protocol, and best practices like ISO 14064 are significant in climate change mitigation. India is vulnerable to climate change and is taking measures to reduce impacts on it.

The objective of this research was to determine the potential of verification for greenhouse gas inventory in the three energy-intensive sectors in India in accordance with the ISO 14064 and to understand the significance of verification of the greenhouse gas inventory. Three sectors namely cement, iron and steel, pulp and paper were chosen for surveying due to their energy intensiveness and participation in CDM. Three modes of interaction were selected to determine the potential; these were e-mails, telephonic conversation and personal interaction. Interactions were with the personnel from TERI, ISO, BIS, WRI and CII-ITC was also undertaken.

From the research it can be concluded that the awareness about the existence of ISO 14064 is low. This is because there has been no awareness programs conducted to sensitize the companies about ISO 14064 and there is no database or registry for it unlike CDM. Volatility in the carbon market, lack of awareness about the existence of ISO 14064 and the perspective that high cost is associated with the verification act as disincentives for the adoption of ISO 14064. Financial incentives of participating in the carbon market and operational incentives are the most probable reasons for its adoption. Post-2012 period is the most likely period for adoption of ISO 14064 as, the future of the Kyoto Protocol, would be decided in the fifteenth Conference of Parties, 2009. The scale at which the standard would be most probably adopted is at the project level as the benefits of CDM projects are already realized. The potential of ISO 14064 can be enhanced if the UNFCCC compels it in addition to the CDM verification. To enhance the potential of ISO 14064 in India there is a need for well developed market for it through incentives or a regulatory framework. The results obtained using the calculation tool show that the direct and indirect emissions from the cement making process vary with the energy intensity and the quantity of the energy intensive material produced.

Keywords: GHG inventory, ISO 14064, potential, post-2012, sector-specific approach.