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Study of feasibility of solar power plants in Indian conditions

Student name: Ms Ritu Singh
Guide: Dr V V N Kishore
Year of completion: 2009
Host Organisation: Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Anmol Singh Jaggi
Abstract: This report explains the feasibility of solar photovoltaic power plants in Indian conditions. The criteria chosen for evaluation are those used for assessing very basic and preliminary stages of a project, reason being unavailability of any live project. Assessment was carried at three fronts, i.e., financial, technological and geographical site allocation. Commercially available PV technologies were studied for cost and output generated, amongst which crystalline came out as the most viable option. The western region of the country topped the list while assessing potential project sites. The financial viability of projects needs to be worked upon by increasing the IRR achieved in live conditions. Overall putting up SPP in a solar resource rich country like India is a good business investment for IPPs.

Keywords: Solar photovoltaic, solar power plants, grid interactive policies and financial feasibility.