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Energy conservation options in high rising Government building in Kerala State

Student name: Mr Faraz Ahmed
Guide: Dr Devesh Sharma
Year of completion: 2009
Host Organisation: FICCI
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr S.P. Garnaik
Abstract: Energy scarcity and growing consumption in high rising buildings have received increasing attention in recent years. At the same time a number of energy consumption studies have been reported but there is a need for a review of energy usage in high rising buildings in India and in recognising areas where energy savings can be made. This project aims to address the lack of coverage in academic literature by presenting a review of energy usage in a high rising building. The main objectives are to quantify energy usage, provide a profile of the distribution system and to identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced, thereby facilitating easier and effective management of energy resources and improved reliability. This study helps to understand the actual demand, wastage points and also to estimate the savings potential and the ways to achieve savings.

Government of India has identified 500 government buildings in all across the country for a pilot study to explore various energy conservation avenues. This is expected to set a tone for all the building authorities to be more energy conscious in day-to-day operations. This project study is an attempt to put forward the important finding of the energy audit studies conducted in Eight Government buildings of Kerala State. It is observed that there is a potential saving to the tune of 23% in these government establishments. This may be achieved with some investment and the simple pay back period is estimated to be about 2-2.5 years which is very attractive.