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Assessing climate-related risk disclosure in the energy minerals sector: a TCFD analysis

Student name: Mr Pratyush Kumar
Guide: Dr Shruti Sharma Rana
Year of completion: 2024
Host Organisation: Binder Dijker Otte (BDO India LLP)
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Rahul Singh

The energy minerals industry is facing mounting pressure to show portfolio resilience by releasing pertinent risk-related data and to adjust their business plans in order to align with the shift to low-carbon energy. Companies now have the means to react to the heightened investor scrutiny, thanks to the recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The industry will have to deal with a different kind of climate risk reporting. Thus, to determine how closely the companies in the energy minerals sector currently adhere to the TCFD recommendations regarding the assessment and comprehension of climate change risks, the development of risk-reduction strategies, and the disclosure of critical metrics such as scope emissions that support investor decision-making, this study looks at the companies' current positions.

Keywords: TCFD, climate-related risks, physical risks, transition risks, Scope emissions, Scope 3 emissions, climate-related disclosures.

17th Convocation: 5th March 2025
34 days to go