The research investigates the strategic integration of natural capital considerations into an automotive manufacturing company’s (here TVS Motor Company's) Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework. By incorporating the value and impact of natural resources on their business, the company can strengthen its ESG strategy, fostering a more holistic and inclusive approach to sustainability.
The study delves into the key dependencies and environmental impacts of TVS's operations on natural capital. This analysis identifies associated risks and opportunities, enabling TVS to mitigate potential disruptions and solidify its position as a responsible business committed to environmental stewardship. The research also explores the importance of biodiversity sensitization across all levels of the organization. This includes creating awareness among employees and workers, from shop floor personnel to top management, about the significance of biodiversity conservation and the impact of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on natural ecosystems.
By studying TVS Motor Company's three decades of experience in conservation initiatives, the research aims to establish a leadership case study within the manufacturing industry. This case study demonstrates how businesses can successfully coexist with biodiversity, ultimately mitigating risks associated with natural capital depletion.
The research explores how TVS can leverage its biodiversity conservation efforts to strengthen its ESG communication strategy in the evolving world of ESG disclosures. This includes aligning reporting and disclosure practices with frameworks like Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), Science Based Targets Network for Nature (SBTN), India Business & Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI), Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR). By doing so, TVS can effectively measure progress, identify remaining gaps, and ultimately position itself as a leader in sustainable manufacturing practices.
The study emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough Biodiversity Impact Assessments (BIA) and developing comprehensive Biodiversity Management Plans (BMP). Integrating these practices into TVS's ESG strategy ensures that biodiversity conservation receives the crucial attention it deserves as a key material topic for long-term success.
Keywords: Biodiversity, ESG, Natural Capital, Sustainability, Automobile Industry.