XYZ Chemical Plant began manufacturing in 1999. It is a leading producer of Specialty Coating Emulsions (SCE) and Water-based Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSA) for various end-user industries. XYZ operates at six strategically positioned manufacturing facilities across India, located in Daman, Roorkee, the Chennai Metropolitan Region, Mundra, and Vapi. These facilities serve both domestic and export markets. XYZ Industries exports to over 50 countries in highgrowth markets across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. During the Detailed Energy Audit phase at XYZ Chemical Plant, Roorkee various energy conservation measures were observed such as the possibility of Heating Heavy Fuel Oil 1200 liters top tank, Replacing Horizontal Agitators with Vertical Agitators in Emulsion Mixing Tanks, Installation of VFD on Cooling Tower Pumps, Replacing of Old Window and Split AC to BEE 5-Star AC, Installation of IoT Based Energy Monitoring System. After Energy saving calculations audit team came up with conclusions that the implementation of estimated energy conservation measures, an annual energy saving of 1,98,908 kWh (18%) and renewable energy saving of 1,18,800 kWh (11%) resulting in an annual monetary savings of Rs18,75,000 with an average simple payback period of just 4.27 years on a total investment of Rs80,00,000. The proposed measures will result in a carbon footprint reduction of 251 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent to operational and electricity-purchased emissions. In light of the insights and recommendations presented in this energy audit report, XYZ Chemical Plant, Roorkee possesses a substantial prospect to elevate energy efficiency, reduce operational expenditures, and actively engage in environmental sustainability.
Keywords: Energy, Efficiency, Audit, Conservation, Carbon footprint.