The present study focuses on the state of district cooling in India and across the world, diving deeper into the barriers to and the drivers of district cooling, particularly on the policy front. The study is based on four key prongs, cost, financing, regulations, and environmental sustainability. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study relies on both, primary as well as secondary methods of data collection, the research emphasizes the role government policies can play in promoting the uptake of DC through incentives, both direct and indirect. The study also points out that policy factors can also act as disincentives to district cooling systems adoption, based on the local economic conditions of the country.
The study aims to assess global policies around district cooling, both direct and indirect, and see how they fit in the Indian context. Furthermore, the study reveals how market trends, developers' experience with cooling systems, and building capital costs impact the decision-making process. An assessment of the decision-making process related to the integration of district cooling (DC), particularly in the context of building sector regulations, reveals noteworthy insights. By evaluating the drivers and barriers to District Cooling uptake, this research aims to contribute valuable insights to inform sustainable cooling strategies in India.
Keywords: Sustainable Cooling, District Cooling, Policy, Regulations, District Energy, Renewable Energy Systems.