This study investigates the intricate nexus between ecosystem services and community well- being in Meghalaya's forest landscapes. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, the research aims to assess the ecosystem services provided by the state's forests and their impacts on the multidimensional well-being of local communities. The theoretical underpinnings are drawn from two complementary frameworks: the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) and the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF). The MEA framework categorizes ecosystem services into provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services, evaluating their influence on various dimensions of human well-being. Concurrently, the SLF offers a comprehensive lens for analyzing the dynamics of community well-being concerning ecosystem services, emphasizing livelihood assets, vulnerability, resilience, and environmental sustainability.
The methodology adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Extensive field surveys and ecological assessments will quantify ecosystem services and map natural resources. Community consultations, utilizing participatory rural appraisal techniques, will capture traditional ecological knowledge and community perceptions. Structured household surveys will gather data on socio-economic indicators, livelihood strategies, and well-being measures. Supplementary secondary data sources, such as census data will be analyzed to provide additional context.
By integrating the MEA and SLF frameworks, the study aims to elucidate the complex interplay between ecosystem services and community well-being in Meghalaya's forest landscapes. The findings will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the importance of ecosystem services for sustaining local livelihoods and enhancing the well-being of forest- dependent communities, informing sustainable management practices and policies.
Keywords: Ecosystem Services, Community Well-being, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, Meghalaya, Forest Landscapes.