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Socioeconomic conditions of Malayali nurse diaspora in Delhi

Student name: Ms Drishti Sahay
Guide: Dr Swarup Dutta
Year of completion: 2024
Host Organisation: GIZ India
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Praveen Kumar

It is widely known that Kerala boasts being a massive source of migrants to all over the world. Of these migrants, nurses make up a high volume owing to the grave lack of opportunities in the healthcare sector in the state itself. The pattern of nurse migration is such that they first migrate from the home state, i.e. Kerala, to larger cities in India, and consequently, abroad to the Middle East and then to the Global North. There is widespread information available about the conditions of Malayali nurses at home and abroad, but not as much about the conditions at these stepping stone destinations such as Delhi and Mumbai. This paper looks at the socioeconomic conditions of migrant Malayali nurses in Delhi, including a differentiation between working conditions and living conditions, so as to draw a comparison between the situation in Kerala and Delhi in particular. The paper also analyses how conditions can be adjusted appropriately to make migration experiences better for nurses, especially nurses from Kerala.

Keywords: Nurse migration, Kerala nurses, Kerala nurse migration, nursing conditions.

17th Convocation: 5th March 2025
34 days to go