Soil-borne diseases pose significant challenges to agricultural productivity by impacting soil health, which gets further challenged by the current intensive farming practices. Organic soil due to the rich microflora that it harbors, however, has demonstrated the potential in suppressing these pathogens, thereby, conferring general disease suppression (GDS) to the soil. This study aims to investigate the mechanisms of GDS in soils emphasizing the role of organic matter. The presence of diverse microbial communities, enhanced by organic amendments, contribute to a more resilient soil ecosystem preventing the proliferation of phytopathogens. Comprehending these interplays is pivotal in putting together sustainable farming technologies that reduce the dependence on synthetic substitutes. The research aims to narrow down the gap in figuring out the relationship between organic soil management and disease suppression through a combination of field studies and laboratory investigations, gaining an insight into optimizing soil health for improved crop yields.