With the onset of green revolution, over a period of years, it is evident that the use of external inputs like synthetic fertilizers, unplanned grazing, excessive tillage, etc. are destroying the fabric of natural ecosystem, with, negative impact on soil health, increase in cost of crop cultivation inputs on the farmers, greenhouse gas emissions due to degenerative agricultural practices, being some of the many contributing factors. A qualitative and quantitative study is being undertaken to conduct a needs assessment for smallholder farmer group in Nasik, Maharashtra. The assessment will primarily focus on identifying gap areas in their on-farm and off-farm income sources. The assessment also looks at the package of practices undertaken by the sample size in the study, and identify the scope of regenerative agricultural principles in sustaining the livelihoods of these farmers without their dependency on external inputs.
Keywords - Living income, Regenerative agriculture, smallholder farmers, livelihoods, needs assessment.