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Towards a sustainable menstrual culture: understanding employed urban women’s awareness and usage of sustainable menstrual products in Delhi-NCR

Student name: Ms Mudra Shahi
Guide: Dr Chandan Kumar
Year of completion: 2023
Host Organisation: PwC India, Gurgaon
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Praveen Sharma

The primary objective of this study is to examine the barriers that hinder the acceptance of environmentally friendly menstrual hygiene (MH) options among working women residing in urban areas of Delhi-NCR. The present investigation employed survey methodology to gather qualitative data on the most common product categories, which encompassed disposable pads, disposable cups, organic pads, and reusable cloth pads. This study examines the awareness and perceptions of individuals towards sustainable alternatives, with the aim of identifying potential areas for improvement in education and awareness initiatives. The ultimate goal is to positively impact the well-being of women and the environment as a whole. The results of this study have the capacity to significantly contribute to enhancing the awareness and understanding of female urban workers regarding the potential health and environmental consequences associated with the use of non-biodegradable menstrual hygiene products.

KEYWORDS: Sustainable menstrual products, Urban women, Employed women, Sanitary waste generation, Environmental impact.