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Studying innovative multimedia for effective climate communication in India

Student name: Ms R Jananni
Guide: Dr Smriti Das
Year of completion: 2023
Host Organisation: Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Ms Suyashi Smridhi

Climate change is a global problem with far-reaching consequences for India. The country is already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and water scarcity. These effects are likely to worsen in the coming years, making it essential for India to take action to mitigate climate change.

One of the most important ways to address climate change is through effective communication. Climate communication can help to raise awareness of the issue, build support for solutions, and influence policy. Innovative multimedia can be used to reach a wider audience and engage people in a more meaningful way. For example, films and documentaries can be used to tell stories about the impacts of climate change, while games can be used to teach people about climate science and solutions.

Research organisations can play a key role in the development and use of innovative multimedia for climate communication. Research organisations have access to expertise and resources that can be used to create high-quality multimedia content. Additionally, they can work with policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure that climate communication is effective and impactful. By overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities, research organisations can play a key role in using innovative multimedia to communicate about climate change in India. This can help to raise awareness of the issue and build support for solutions. Strategic planning and implementation also need to be taken into consideration here.

Through this paper, I will focus on exploring different kinds of multimedia which have the potential to effectively communicate about climate change in India. I will also explore the possibility of incorporating a strategic communications framework for research organisations.

Keywords: Climate Communication, Multimedia, Innovation, Strategic Framework.