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GHG inventorisation and net zero strategy for an IT Company

Student name: Ms Simran Kalra
Guide: Dr Gopal Sarangi
Year of completion: 2023
Host Organisation: PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Mehul Tatia

This study has conducted a GHG inventory for an IT company to assess its operational emissions. This assessment has also facilitated the development of a roadmap for decarbonization, aiming to achieve the ambitious goal of net zero carbon emissions. The study highlights the significance of conducting GHG inventories in pinpointing emission hotspots and areas requiring improvement. The GHG inventory and net-zero strategy serve as essential mechanisms for companies to evaluate their environmental footprint, establish reduction targets, enhance operational efficiency, meet stakeholder demands, and adhere to regulatory obligations. These initiatives play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and addressing the urgent challenge of climate change.

Keywords: Inventorisation, Decarbonisation, GHG Emissions, Net-Zero Strategy.