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Harnessing artificial intelligence and cross-disciplinary collaboration for circular business models: assessing potential, obstacles and operational strategies

Student name: Ms Shreyasa Mukherjee
Guide: Dr Gopal Sarangi
Year of completion: 2023
Host Organisation: Ozarka B.V.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Ms Beth Massa

The model of circular business refers to the innovative strategic framework in which the management of a company is encouraged to carry out its operational and non-operational practices without creating any kind of potentially harmful situation for the surrounding society, environment, and overall ecosystem. The study is executed to understand how the power of Artificial Intelligence and Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration might be leveraged to exploit the sustainability, innovation, efficiency, and productivity-related benefits of the model of circular business. To achieve the objective, a mixed research strategy, abductive approach, positivist research philosophy, and exploratory research design are selected while the primary data collection technique is used along with secondary data.

Primary data is collected by surveying 20 businesses in circular-led organizations in the Netherlands. The data is evaluated using a quantitative data analysis tool, SPSS. Quantitative understanding is gauged through company case studies and interviews. On the other hand, secondary data which is gathered from authentic secondary sources including reports, academic papers, and journals are evaluated using a qualitative method named narrative analysis. It is interpreted that using the automation and efficient multiple operational aspect evaluation related trait of AI and cross-disciplinary collaboration, the identified advantages of the model of circular business might be exploited effectively without facing any potential challenges.

Keywords: The essential keywords used in the thesis are mentioned as follows-Model of circular business, Artificial Intelligence, cross-disciplinary collaboration, automation, operational aspect evaluation, sustainability, innovation, efficiency, operating cost, CBM, Cross collaboration, Circular economy.