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From liability to opportunity: CSR in India, analysis of industry trends and social impact

Student name: Mr Aniket Renatus Clytone
Guide: Dr Chandan Kumar
Year of completion: 2023
Host Organisation: Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Swapnil Choure

This study looks at the distribution diversity and effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects in India after the 2013 Companies Act was passed. The law requires companies to devote a certain percentage of their net income to CSR programmes, with a focus on the advancement of social justice and sustainable development. Even while CSR financing has grown, there is still a lot of variation in how funds are distributed across different development sectors, which raises questions about fairness and effectiveness. This study intends to examine the societal impacts of both ongoing and finished CSR programmes. It aims to make recommendations for effective stakeholder participation and resource allocation by involving stakeholders and assessing project outcomes. The study seeks to improve value creation, match societal demands with CSR initiatives, and advance sustainable development for a more equitable society.