High mountain communities in the Indian western and central Himalayan region, particularly within the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are highly exposed to changes in intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation events. The local risk management and planning decisions have been largely depending only on global precipitation change projections which are unable to capture the greater fluctuations of local changes in precipitation. In this study, we used the latest IPCC online interactive Atlas to analyse the future changes in intensity of annual maximum one day precipitation estimated from multi-model ensemble means of global and downscaled regional climate change projections. This investigation is an attempt to demonstrate the ability and limitations of this novel tool from IPCC to provide better insight into changing extreme precipitation patterns over the Indian Himalayan region. The integration of this climate information is justified in part by the belief that this exercise may better inform decision making about the future of rainfall-triggered natural hazards, including the impact on the frequency of landslides over this region with significant topographic relief.