Aquifers are saturated rock formations or geological formations that allow water to flow into wells and springs (permeability). The petrophysical features of the subsurface (porosity, permeability, seismic velocities, and so on) are used to characterize aquifers. To better picture the subsurface, the results of the aquifer characterization has examined and studied utilizing a variety of geophysical software. A study has been conducted in the southwestern section of Punjab, which includes three districts: Faridkot, Ferozepur, and Muktsar, a fence diagram has created for illustrating sub-surface strata and groundwater quality distribution in order to describe aquifer strata. Due to increased demand for irrigation water, faulty surface water irrigation strategies resulted in water logging problems in southwest Punjab, as well as fears of saline zones formation due to excessive groundwater abstraction in central Punjab. At three locations in south-west Punjab, a network of piezometers was built to investigate multiple aquifers. Electrical conductivity (EC) measurements were recorded from these samples. The combination of evaporation enrichment and salt dissolving causes salinity in groundwater, according to the findings. Salinity variations were observed spatially. Geographic Information System (GIS) software tools such as ArcGIS and ERDAS are used to create maps of spatial variability based on the data. Areas with higher salinity were identified from these maps. This research will be help in identifying the high salinity affected areas and depth specific saline aquifers which will be useful in implementing appropriate management measures.
Keywords: Groundwater, Salinity, Aquifer Characterization, Spatial variation, SW Punjab.