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Analyzing the health costs of air pollution in rural Haryana: case of agriculture crop residue burning

Student name: Ms Aayushi Ahlawat
Guide: Dr Shantanu De Roy and Dr Sukanya Das
Year of completion: 2022


Agriculture Crop Residue Burning (ACRB) causes hazardous haze and smog to engulf the national capital region of India. It is also called biomass burning, which has become a conventional agricultural land management practice for the farmers of Punjab and Haryana, which deteriorates the air quality index (AQI) by releasing million tons of particulate matter (PM) with harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of Sulphur, which contribute to greenhouse emissions and pollutes the air which leads to health hazards causing damage to the lungs and cardiovascular system, causing respiratory infections, heart disease and lung cancer. The study analysed the harmful impacts of Agriculture Crop Residue Burning on human health in monetary terms, whose insights will help policymakers identify the range of measures to enhance the adoption of various agricultural Crop Residue Burning alternatives. The study found that the impacted members of the household spent approximately Rs 803.12 on average during October and November to curb the respiratory ailments resulting from agricultural crop residue burning (ACRB). And the loss of annual benefits attributable to health implications caused by air pollution caused by agricultural crop residue burning (ACRB), particularly paddy straw burning in rural Haryana, is estimated to be Rs. 61.2 million. However, the health implications of air pollution caused by agricultural crop residue burning (ACRB) are not very well recognised.

Furthermore, we can infer from this study that air pollution generated by agricultural crop residue burning (ACRB) yields greater short-term inconvenience than any long-term effects, resulting in serious health consequences.

Keywords: Agriculture Crop Residue Burning (ACRB, air pollution, health costs, air quality index.