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Comprehensive study of electric vehicle ecosystem in India

Student name: Mr Siddhant Kumar
Guide: Dr Jaya Vasudevan
Year of completion: 2021
Host Organisation: KPMG Advisory Services Private Limited
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Ramit Malhotra

This project deals in the study of whole business outlook and importance of Electric Vehicle market in India. Electric vehicles were invented before Gasoline vehicles, but certain Historical events led to their downfall. The study consists of a comparison between Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle vs Battery Electric Vehicle. Initiatives taken by the Government of India has been listed and reasons have been specified due to their failure. Delhi has been the best state in India, and its Electric Vehicle policy 2020 has been regarded as a unique initiative. Driving factors, buyer’s attribute, challenges faced by Indian Electric vehicle industry has also been studied.

Successful case study of TESLA Inc. has also been analyzed to gain a perspective of how the most successful company function. Because of the negative effects of gasoline engines on the environment and people, the automotive industry has shifted to electric vehicles. This study describes the operation of an electric vehicle and compares it to internal combustion engines and hybrid vehicles. The research outlines some of the benefits and drawbacks of electric vehicles.

Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Carbon emissions, History of Electric Vehicles, TESLA, Indian Electric Vehicle Market, Indian Electric Vehicle Strategy.