In the last two decades Gurugram city (Urban) of Haryana State, is registering exponential growth in population and urban area development. As a result, the amount of Municipal Solid Waste is also increasing and the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram is facing a problem collecting and process it. The present study is focused on summarizing the current Solid Waste Management (SWM) status, identification of its composition, and deriving solutions to tackle MSW through the Zero Waste Model (ZWM). The unsegregated waste, partial door-to-door waste collection, no integration with private waste collectors/vendor, low recycling rate, unavailability of sanitary landfill sites and inefficient and ineffective revenue generation model is putting a lot of burden on SWM infrastructure in Gurugram. The ZWM can potentially resolve the MSWM by incorporating various decentralized and centralized waste disposal methods. Hence MCG should involve private waste collectors/vendors and required agencies to achieve sustainable MSMW and sustainable development of the Gurugram.
Keywords: Zero Waste Model; Solid waste management; Decentralised method; Gurugram.