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Determining the value of energy saving certificate for Indian thermal power sector in context of the PAT energy saving scheme

Student name: Ms Kriti Khurana
Guide: Dr Subir Sen
Year of completion: 2011
Host Organisation: Climate Connect Limited and TERI University

Abstract: PAT Energy Efficiency scheme aiming at enhancing industrial energy efficiency, introduces social cost of energy. The market of Energy Saving Certificates internalizes the social cost related to wasteful energy usage and aligns market price of energy with the shadow price of energy. The Designated Consumers must take the shadow price of energy as reference price to ascertain their compliance cost for the scheme. The study derives an expression of the marginal willingness to pay for energy consumption for the power sector by framing theoretical model under the conditions of PAT energy consumption target.

The model involves the estimation of the production function of the DC thermal power plants using a flexible specification of production function. Data on 41 thermal power plants with annual energy consumption above the threshold limit of 30, 000 MTOE is collected from Central Electricity Authority.

An unrestricted flexible specification of the production function is chosen i.e. the Transcendental production function. This functional form allows for the substitutability between the inputs, the non-linearity in the production process and most importantly, the diversity in efficiency among the thermal power plants.

By deriving the demand and supply schedule of energy under the PAT market mechanism, the model arrives at the shadow price of energy at Rs 9759 approximately.

Also it is found that the marginal cost of reducing energy is relatively higher for plants that have low levels of SEC. this implies that the more efficient thermal power plants face a relatively higher cost of abatement. This insight is in line with the discussion in the PAT Consultation Document, the seminal policy literature on the PAT Scheme.