Indian industrial ecology: real time market assessment
Student name: Mr Intakhab Alam Khan
Guide: Dr Sapan Thapar
Year of completion: 2021
Host Organisation: Panitek Power
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Arjun Arya
Abstract: This thesis presents a qualitative market assessment concerning the interactions between energy efficiency and climate change by combining the principle of industrial ecology which bridges the gap to achieve sustainability and to maintain the economic viability of the Indian energy-intensive industries. The study is based on real-time research via discussion with accredited BEE certified Energy auditors to understand the clean technology opportunities, market barriers, Energy-intensive industries insights, and the challenges. After a thorough literature review and discussions, there is a huge energy efficiency gap that has been widely investigated in the literature but not implemented in many Indian states.
The Indian government introduced long-term strategies for industries that aim towards innovative and new energy-efficient technologies including retrofitting. Innovative technologies have numerous opportunities in Indian energy-intensive industries towards improvement in utilization of the available energy and heat flows. Having understood the context, the aim is to understand the industry problems to fill the energy efficiency gap by introducing niche technologies. Indian energy-intensive industries have lots of waste heat opportunities especially in the cement and iron steel sector which are directly dumped into the environment and become responsible for GHGs emissions. ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) is a promising clean technology to convert low to medium temperature waste heat to power and one of the clean energy solutions to combat climate change which has immense potential in the Indian market.
A total of 200 auditors were contacted, out of which 24 auditors gave required information regarding Industry insights, challenges, and opportunities, with those information key trends identified to connect with the relevant cleantech company. Based on the best case the thesis aims to carry out techno economics and detailed assessment of the technology and make an improvement towards sustainability in the energy-intensive industries of India.