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Determinants of smokeless tobacco consumption among pregnant and lactating women: a socio ecological perspective

Student name: Ms Rupal Jain
Guide: Dr Chandan Kumar
Year of completion: 2021
Host Organisation: Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Prashant Kumar Singh

Tobacco kills half of its users and on an average, it kills more than 8 million people globally every year. Four-fifth of all Tobacco users belong to low- and middle-income countries, where India is the second largest consumer of tobacco. It can be consumed in either smoking or smokeless form. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-17, in India, 29.6% of men, 12.8% of women and 21.4% (199.4 million) of all adults currently use smokeless tobacco. The usage of Smokeless Tobacco is not limited to only males in society, rather, is prevalent among females as well. Apart from adverse health effects of consumption of smokeless tobacco has on an individual, if consumed by pregnant or lactating women, it can also affect foetal growth, increase the risk of preterm delivery and stillbirth, and has other long term health problems, which makes it imperative to explicate consumption of smokeless tobacco among women of reproductive age. Due to the limited interventions and research available to tackle Smokeless tobacco burden among women particularly, this study attempts to understand the sociocultural and ecological factors influencing consumption of Smokeless Tobacco among women of reproductive age women (18-49 years) so as to include cessation interventions from its inception. The study used systematic review of literature followed by primary research using mixed method approach to triangulate the results from secondary as well as primary data. The study followed the Socio-Ecological theory of Human Development by Urie Bronfenbrenner in its analysis and interpretation. The findings of the study elucidate upon the need to develop Behavioural Change Intervention tools which are culturally sensitive and locally appropriate and follow gender sensitive approach. Different socio-cultural factors like family, friends, media, perceived health benefits, which are found to be associated with initiation at different life stages should also be catered while developing these tools.

Keywords: Smokeless Tobacco, Areca Nut, Determinants, Women.