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Evolving patterns of land use and land acquisition in India

Student name: Ms Chitwan
Guide: Dr Vishnu Konoorayar
Year of completion: 2019
Host Organisation: TERI School of Advanced Studies
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Saravanan A.

The research here highlights an in-depth study of land acquisition law that have existed in the country since the colonial times. It also looks into the changing pattern of land use over the period of time. The two major sectors which are covered in the following dissertation are industrialization and urbanization. The study aims to evaluate whether land acquisition can happen without violating the rights of the land owners and the people working on the land. Due to the over favoring nature of the current nature land acquisition law, towards the land owners a number of infrastructure development projects are suffering and taking year all together to come into existence.

The prior consent taking from the land owners and all the interested persons causes procedural delays. This delay is causes the projects to either lose its importance or the funds finish. The government needs to find a middle path in the legislature which benefits both the parties equally without any disadvantage. The land bill 2015 aims to do so. But the success rate hasn’t been great.

Key Words: Land Acquisition, LARR Act, 2013, Industrialization, Urbanization, Interested Person, Land Owners.