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Bottlenecks in promotion of aquaculture as a sustainable bio-enterprise: a study of live projects in villages of Goa

Student name: Ms Israt Jahan
Guide: Dr Sudipta Chatterjee
Year of completion: 2021
Host Organisation: Goa State Biodiversity Board, Goa
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Manoj R Borkar

Aquaculture as a bio-enterprise in Goa can change the economic and social dynamics of the rural communities in the villages. As a part of Goa State Biodiversity Board, incentivisation of the inputs were carried out in six villages of Goa resulting in benefits to the locals. The increasing pressure of population density on the coasts and marine pollution of oil spills and tar balls has increased the exploitation of commercial fisheries. The traditional system of khazan lands has been over exploited due to the shift in the economical dynamics of the villages.

The Gaps in the administration and policies were documented under the study to aid in the development of small scale aquaculture activities by the rural communities. SLF Analysis was done to map the perception of the villagers regarding the existing practice in the aquaculture. The perception of BMC officials was also documented by the help of a questionnaire prepared. Meteorological data was converted into time series graphs to delineate the suitable sites from the selected sites for aquaculture. Factor analysis was done on certain factors that are known to influence the development of aquaculture in any region. The factor analysis showed that investments and Governmental Schemes show more variance than the other factors and hence should be studies more by the officials to get a perfect picture of the status of aquaculture in the villages of Goa.

Key Words– Khazan ecosystems, Aquaculture, SLF, Policy gap analysis, Goa.