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Assessment of interlinkages between socio-demographical, housing and employment variables: a study of slum households in Bangalore

Student name: Ms Swapna Chakraborty
Guide: Dr Abhijit Datey
Year of completion: 2021
Host Organisation: Fields of View, Bangalore
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Yashwin Iddya

Housing plays a multifaceted role in each and every individual’s life depending on various needs, preferences and capability of a household. But while planning for any housing development the main variable to influence any decision making process is majorly focused on a household’s monetary aspects leading to affordability of the housing unit. Findings from various existing studies from varied region and context states that there are several other inter related variables of a household influencing each other. Three of such aspects are identified for this study to assess and evaluate the inter linkages between them and they are Socio-Demographical, Employment and Housing variables. The study is carried out by identifying all the set of inter related variables according to existing literature and then by evaluating and analyzing the existing slum household dataset of 36 slums of Bangalore through Chi-Square significance and Cramer’s v strength test. The association results from test analysis is then compared with the existing studies and their findings so that while planning for any housing development in the future these comparative inter relationships and their influence on each other should be considered for an integrated planning approach.

Keywords: Socio-Demographical, Employment, Housing, Inter relationships.