Cities and urban areas have long been considered as primary cause of GHG emissions, owing to urbanization and increased urban activity. Air pollution and its correlation with the built environment have been recently studied by various researchers across globe, since cities around the world are witnessing slowdown in terms of sustainable development due to degrading air quality. The air quality is not only determined by emission source, meteorological parameters but also governed by built environment indicators such as road length, traffic volume, population density, green area, industrial area, open space etc. Different indicators have different impact on air quality with respect to characteristics of indicators, spatial scale, study area and its effect direction. Taking up this scenario, this paper aims to analyse the impact of Built environment indicators on concentration levels of pollutants-“ PM2.5 , O3 , PM10 , NO2 & CO” across 37 ambient air quality monitoring stations for various buffer radii in Delhi using Pearson correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis and regression. As per the results, metro station density is found to have positive significant impact on concentration levels of CO & NO2. While green and natural land area significantly increased ozone concentration level. None of the variable is found to have significant impact on Particulate matter. Inclusion of green spaces improve air quality of the city.
Keywords- Air pollution, Built Environment , LUR model , Spatial Analysis, Pollutants.