Coal is an essential mineral for industrial growth and energy generation. The excavation of this mineral has not only generated employment, alleviated poverty, but displaced millions of livelihoods, as well as caused an adverse declination of environment quality. The costs and benefits accruing from mining, especially the costs from mining such as disturbance in social cohesion, a threat to personal security, and degradation to their aesthetic green environment, are not measured in marketable and tangible goods. Henceforth, the wellbeing approach is used to measure the impact of costs and benefits from mining on the wellbeing of households residing in the Talcher mining region. Wellbeing is estimated in the form of an index through the geometric aggregation of domains, taken theoretically from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED). The results of the study advocate that, alone rise in material wellbeing does not lead to a higher standard of wellbeing rather improvement in the environment and one's personal security is also essential for increasing the measure of wellbeing.
Key Words: - Wellbeing, coal mining, quality of life, material wellbeing.