India’s building industry is undergoing rapid expansion. It is projected to increase to 40 billion m2 new construction by 2050. (International Energy Agency, 2019). Energy use in buildings accounts for approximately 33% of the total end-use energy consumption and is increasing at a rate of 8% per year. This study provides a comparison study between ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standard and Energy Conservation Building Code of India using the Whole Building Performance Approach. ASHRAE 90.1-2010 which is widely adopted in Green Building certification for this approach. The potential integration of ECBC in the certification was carried out by shortlisting the standards adopted for certification. The study adopts LEED Certification for the integration of ECBC wherein the ECBC code which is widely used in India designed based on Indian climatic condition can be integrated into the Energy & Atmosphere category, Minimum Energy Performance Pre-requisite which adopts Whole building performance using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Standard. The analysis was carried out using an office building model generated using DoE.2 eQUEST software. The office building modeled was simulated using ASHRAE & ECBC standards. The model was then compared by changing the parameters such as an opaque external wall, Roof, Glazing, Lighting power density, and COP of the chiller, each parameter was simulated and compared to the base case which adopted ASHRAE standard. The results have shown a saving up to 8.1% for the wall, 8.1% for Roof, 8.8% for Glazing, 8.4% for SC (North), 8.8% SC (Non-North) 8.9% for LPD and 10.2% for Chiller COP compared to the standard of ASHRAE 90.1-2010.