India has achieved around 370 GW of electricity generation through different available resources. The country has laid a full electricity framework to provide electricity to every household and citizen. From the generation to distribution, there are various organisation involved to deal with electricity. Distribution Company lies at the end of this electricity chain which is responsible for supply of electricity. At present there are 69 Discoms in total including private ones. With the share of PV certain to increase in energy production mix, instability of the grid will increase only. 40GW of renewable energy has to come from solar rooftop PV by 2022. We need solar inverters which can provide support services to grid. Mainly Indian rooftop solar market is dominated by Chinese company. In this report we will get to know what types of ancillary services that solar rooftop inverters can provide to grid, what are their technical specification and what special capabilities they have with respect to grid services. As the generation from PV will increase we will require the storage medium to store the electricity generated. Battery storage will come handy in this scenario. Different ancillary services provided by battery to grid is listed in the report. India is mainly the importer of battery as it doesn’t have its own manufacturing unit. Different types of battery technologies and various companies with the battery technology they deal with is explained in detail in this report. The installation cost of the battery is presently around $150/kWh which on a higher side to make a project financially feasible unless given subsidy by government. A whole calculation is done considering lithium-ion battery prices on LCOE, NPV and SPP to show how a decrease in battery installation price will lead to boom in this sector.
Keywords: Electricity, Discoms, Inverters, Battery, LCOE