Energy analysis for GRIHA compliance: a case study of a hospital building
Student name: Mr Riyaz Husain
Guide: Dr Aviruch Bhatia
Year of completion: 2020
Host Organisation: Environmental Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Mayank Bhatnagar
Abstract: Climate change is real and negative effects can be seen all over the globe. To reduce the effect of climate change, there is need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase energy efficiency. Building sector is second largest consumer of energy in India. Giving attention towards energy efficiency can help us to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Buildings are essential for us but we need a building which has less carbon footprint, consume lesser resources for the same output, produce less GHG emission, and have less operating and maintenance cost. This is what a green building all about and how to create a sustainable and energy-efficient building. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in India defines parameters that can help to minimize energy consumption for a building.
In this thesis work a case study on hospital building located in composite climate zone of India is presented. The Proposed building is developed based on the mandatory requirements of ECBC-2007 and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA). The energy model is created and simulation is performed in eQUESTv3.65 software. The thermal zoning and building orientation have been modeled as per actual design. Energy consumption of the simulated model is compared with the GRIHA benchmark. In the proposed case consumption of energy is 3,08,36 MWh/yr. and project EPI is 120.26 kWh/yr./m² which is 73.3% less over the GRIHA benchmark. Hence project is eligible to earn all possible points (16/16) in GRIHA criteria 14.
Further an analysis is performed in the thesis to assess renewable electricity generation at site. Helioscope tool is used to size the PV-arrays at construction site which has a capacity of 181.1 kW which makes the project even greener and sustainable.