Daily mobility is an essential component of day to day activity. With increasing development the necessity to travel has also increased. The need for reforms in the sector of transportation has increased manifolds due to triggered demand. With increasing urbanization the cities are also expanding. The trip lengths are increasing along with the travel time. The widespread placement of opportunities in the city creates restriction for commuters to access opportunities. While men are commuting longer, women are restricted to shorter trips due to multiple factors like affordability and accessibility. The study focuses on analyzing these factors affected the travel behavior of women through a case study of Delhi. The study aims at understanding different indicators that are essential for assessing women mobility. It also analyses the difference of travel pattern among men and women, and their behavior towards mobility. A comparison between cost of commute and travel expenditure by commuters depicts the discrepancies in the travel behavior among different income groups. The study helps in identifying the importance of gender perspective in daily mobility of a city. It also indicates that replicating the mobility pattern of women through in-depth assessment can help in making the city transportation more sustainable.
Key words: Women Mobility, sustainable mobility, affordability, accessibility, expenditure.